Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bud Update

It's been cool and wet (we do need the rain) preventing much of any activity in the gardens other than snapping a few shots to check the progress of any budding plants, unfazed as they are by the coolness and loving this rain.
Of course, our northern weather is not done yet and the snow shovel is still set propped and ready on the front porch.

In the meantime it's fun to get 'close up and personal'.

This established herbaceous peony of unknown variety is a beautiful little red bloomed peony; the first peony I ever purchased over 10 years ago and now graces several different areas of the yard.
This plant is located in a raised foundation bed on the east side of the house and much further along than the 'Sarah Bernhardt' peony just inches away.
It must really love it there because it's always the first of my peony to bloom each year.

You got a peak at 'Jane' Magnolia back in the buds and blooms post and this is how far she's come since April 14th when I took the first photo.

So far the buds have eluded any deer nibbles but we're not out of the woods yet.
With any luck, we'll be coming up magnolias before you know it. 

Let the snows come; can't hurt this northern hardy beauty.
Can't wait to show you what she looks like when she opens up....gotta have patience.

Oh deer..... yes I mean deer.
One of the biggest challenges I face here in my northern garden is not the weather, not insects, blights or digging's my four legged friend the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)

deer nibbled hosta
 And one of their favorite meals is a nice hosta salad.
The deer love hosta so much that if I didn't spray them with liquid deer fence ( a natural, stinky deer repellant ) I would never see a single hosta all season. 
I'd best get on it soon!

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